04 September 2008

So Pretty Much The Same Methods Apply For Governing As For Grooming...


Bexy said...

OMG, I actually saw this live and had to flip the channel. I knew it would only be a matter of time before it was up on the interwebs, getting ridiculed.

How young is that little girl anyway? Should she be holding the baby?

And how AWKWARD was it with Bristol and BabyDaddy holding hands and watching Mama Palin give the speech? The whole thing was so awkward and lame... I couldn't believe those rave reviews she got. I guess the bar is really that low now.

Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

You know... kids learn from their parents - are her parents seriously licking their hands and wiping them on the kids head - disgusting- and - ummm... a bit white trash? Now I feel like I might have jinxed myself - I know I'll find Jakob doing something totally abusrd in front of a ton of people - hopefully not millions though!
And I have to agree with Rebecca, should she be holding that kid? Come On!