Joosh has delivered unto me some new crack. I hesitate to post the url here for fear that all my millions of readers will flock to the site and overload it's systems and therefor deny me my new habit. This. Would. Be. Bad.
However, in the interest of sharing the love (and getting you to be my co-dependent crack using partner so I don't feel so bad about imbibing alone), I will tell you that if you use the abbreviation for television, and you add a hyphen, and then you type the word for something that connects two things, or the thing that chains are made of (and as we know, chains are only as strong as their weakest this same thing), and then instead of writing dot com, you type dot and the abbreviation for company and then another dot and then the abbreviation for the other name of Great Britain, you will find yourself at a beautiful, masterful, endlessly entertaining bounty of time- suckage material, both currant and vintage.
I really should not be telling you about this, especially you myriad of friends and relatives that are in school right now, but if it can bring you one ounce of the fun times it has brought me so far (and I've only known about it for a week), it will be worth the risk of my being responsible for your having to take Incompletes in two classes due to your time spent on the above-hinted-at site.
It is this site, this place of Wonderment-and-Punky-Brewster that is responsible (along with the recommendations of Bex, of course) for my newfound love interest, Veronica, a perky blond from Neptune, California. It is this site that allowed me to watch and be baffled by what I assume is the NYC answer to The OC, a little drama called "Gossip Girl" (which, by the way, super sucks, and managed to mortify me in many many ways, none more so than by the fact that the parents of the high school kids seem like they are barely older than I am - uh oh, Botox-io).
Anyway, this site is both good and bad, and I do fear it will cause me not to be able to say "I don't really watch television" anymore and get away with it (as if I could ever really get away with that one, right?).
Anyway, this site is both good and bad, and I do fear it will cause me not to be able to say "I don't really watch television" anymore and get away with it (as if I could ever really get away with that one, right?).
BUT (and this is what I came here to tell you today), because of this site and the little fuzzy red "updated" next to it's myriad bounty, I discovered this show:
This is show is all about everything I have ever loved on TV. This show has elements of X-Files, 24, Arrested Development, Clerks/Mallrats (okay, not technically TV), Firefly, and The Office, just to name a few. If you can get past the main guy's not-even-remotely-disguised impersonation of our beloved Jim (John Krasinski) from The Office; overlook that the blond gal is sort of a Portia de Rossi/Ben Stiller's Wife knock off (actually, to be fair here, she's way better looking than both of those gals) and that she has sort of distracting teeth (though honestly I'd rather be distracted by her bunny teeth than by Portia's eyebrows and the fact that she sleeps with Ellen, but nevermind); not dwell on the weirdness of there being another show on TV with an unextraordinary, nebbishy, nerdy guy working in a "Big Box" type store suddenly developing an extraordinary life (but thanks to the evils of the devil, instead of the evils of the US guvment); and totally ignore the fact that entire thing is COMPLETELY implausible and ridiculous (less so than 24, though, so you viewers of that ongoing explosive pile will have no trouble suspending your disbelief, I hope), then you will love this little oeuvre.

It is exciting, it is funny, it is laughable, it is relatively suspenseful, it has cute boys and girls in it, it has crazy driving (in a Fiat Punta, Joosh pointed out to me, which are all over U.K and Ireland, but rarely seen in the likes of LA, and if they were they would be mistaken for, like, Ford Aspires, and by the way the name reminds me of a spanish curse word, but again, nevermind), absurd computer geek inside jokes and kick-ass fights, stabbings with poisoned hair accoutrements and other stunt-type hat tricks. But most of all it has our long-loved Jayne back on the airwaves*.

He didn't get a lot of play in the pilot episode, but what little he did get promised good things to come. At the end of the show, dressed in the full-on dork uniform of an Almost-But-Not-Exactly-Best-Buy employee, he has the old Knowle Roher/Jayne Cobb look on his face that I predict bodes well for future episodes. (Can I just say, though, I really liked Adam Baldwin better when he had some more meat on his bones? This gaunt faced/intense/trim/lean/angular/craggy thing he's got going on doesn't do it for me quite the same as the brawny doofus from Serenity. Wah.)
So yeah, "Chuck" is super dumb name for a show, as far as I'm concerned (then again, with this tagline: "an offbeat look at spies in their 20's," what the hell would I have called this show?!?), and Chuck's sidekick with the really crotchy facial hair is so far not deserving of airtime, but Chuck is darling and Jayne rocks almost anything, all the time, ever, oh and ps this show, as with so many others, has figured out that music is important to the likes of us and so the show has a very KCRWesque soundtrack. What's not to love?
Thank you tee vee dash ell eye enn kay ess dot see oh dot you kay. I am forever (for this week, anyway) in your debt.
*I just looked at Adam Baldwin's imdb page more in depth and he was on some crappy looking show last year called "Day Break" that I never heard of, and in addition to some other junk, he was on an episode of something called "Invader ZIM" and played a character called "Shplooger's Customer". I am dying.
**Update. I should have suspected from the name, but alas, I am not savvy in the ways of non-live-action television: "Invader ZIM" is indeed a cartoon, er, um, 'scuse me, I mean an animated series. Ahem. But seriously, who am I to judge, anyway... Brother's got to pay his mortgage, just like everyone else, right?
Thank you tee vee dash ell eye enn kay ess dot see oh dot you kay. I am forever (for this week, anyway) in your debt.
*I just looked at Adam Baldwin's imdb page more in depth and he was on some crappy looking show last year called "Day Break" that I never heard of, and in addition to some other junk, he was on an episode of something called "Invader ZIM" and played a character called "Shplooger's Customer". I am dying.
**Update. I should have suspected from the name, but alas, I am not savvy in the ways of non-live-action television: "Invader ZIM" is indeed a cartoon, er, um, 'scuse me, I mean an animated series. Ahem. But seriously, who am I to judge, anyway... Brother's got to pay his mortgage, just like everyone else, right?
You have convinced me to check out "Chuck" - despite my hesitations given how the show has been marketed thus far... and thanks for the link to our friends across the pond!
PS: VM! I love that you love her.
PS: Jayne and his 'big guns': so hot. I'm sad that he slimmed down. Mama loves me some arms like those!
PPS: Gots to give credit where credit's due: If not for Heather Havrilesky, I would not have discovered VM or Battlestar Galactica. I live and die by her reviews.
You'll have to tell me what you think of Chuckles. What did the God-dess Havrilesky have to say about it, anything? It has only been one ep so far, so of course I may end up eating my words about it's goodness, but we'll see.
ps- re: Ms. Mars... Joosh went so far as to get us some legit VM today so that we don't have to watch the choppy-cross-the-pond version. You know that means bizness! When we are done watching the series, I shall tease him mercilessly. In the meantime, I love it and love that he seems to too.
Nice about VM! Are you on the first season? We need to chat about the show ASAP. I'm dying to hear your thoughts.
HH and "Chuckles": It was recommended but it sounds like she's a little cautious:
If you took Seth Cohen from "The OC," put him to work as a techie geek in a consumer electronics store and then got him tangled up in some high-level spy activity, replete with car chases and super-hot spy babes, you'd end up with "Chuck," a dramedy that's really more of a comedy than a drama. But maybe that's just how it feels when nobody is getting drunk and falling off cliffs. "OC" creator Josh Schwartz has his hands full with two pilots airing this fall (the other is CW's moody-rich-teen soap "Gossip Girl"), a fact that doesn't bode well for either show, particularly considering that "The OC" itself careened off a cliff after its second season. Despite a pilot episode that never really surpasses mildly amusing, "Chuck" does have a likable cast, a reasonably interesting set-up and lots of potential for conspiracies and corruption and intrigue. And the enemy forces working against it? The demon dandies of "Dancing With the Stars," airing on ABC in the same time slot.
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