Snowed for about an hour this morning. Which I'm pretty sure is not normal for the end of March. It's cold and rainy now, with periodic chunks of ice and clumpy snow-like drifts mixed in falling slush.
Gorgeous though it is, I was really ready for spring. So were all the bulb flowers and tree buds and blossoms that have sprung up in the last few weeks. Sigh.
Maybe the big chill will be gone by the time I return from Sacramento on Monday. Bon weekend, y'all. Stay warm. Watch out for patches of black ice on the road.
28 March 2008
Um, Snow?
Posted by
3/28/2008 09:52:00 AM
words to the wise
Labels: Bridgetown, Hot Planet, purty, trippin
24 March 2008
Why The Thought Of Becoming A Parent Scares The Ess-Aytch-Eye-Tee Out Of Me.
"Uncle Marc, it's Amy. I'm calling to find out why do bad things happen. Why do people get sick or have accidents? Or why do they fall in love with you when you don't love them back? And why is the oil on the ground rainbow-colored even when the sun doesn't hit it?"
I forgot to mention: the neice is six.
I. am. terrified.
If/when I can stomach the full leap into parenthood, I suppose I'll have to find some good godparent-types out in the world upon whom, along with Uncles Z and J, I can foist all the hard existential, metaphysical and otherwise unanswerable questions upon, as they inevitably come spilling forth from my child's mouth.
Until then, I quake in fear.*
*I suppose quake is a tiny bit melodramatic. I quiver, how about that? Tremble? Shudder?
Posted by
3/24/2008 09:51:00 PM
words to the wise
Labels: crankypants, familia, other people's children
23 March 2008
I Ride My Bike, I Roller Skate, Don't Drive No Car.
The darling man who spoils me rotten at every gifty opportunity purchased a fantabulous bicycle for me. It's called "The Amsterdam" (from Electra), and yes I feel totally Euro riding it around. It has a sweet not-too-shrill bell and a light that generates power from the turning of the front wheel (which my grandfather says adds a twenty pound drag equivalent, but I am inclined not to believe him because this is the 21st Century and I am confident that the technology of such things has improved since the last time he had anything similar on his bicycle in the 1980s). The chain is enclosed, as are the gears, so no grease or catching of my skirts on moving parts (because when have you ever known me to wear pants, except overalls once or twice while fishing or carving pumpkins ten years ago?). All I need to complete the oh-so-EU package is some kind of saddle bag on the rear and maybe a wicker basket for the front.
Can I just take a minute to say: Baby snuggles are the best best best. Followed by cupcakes. (Which were totally good, don't let my curmudgeonly withholding of the "Best In Portland" moniker deter you. The only thing that should deter you is the scary "Amby's-Kitty-Cat-Pee-Grandma" style decor of the interior of the shop... dusty old 1950's aprons, weird ceramic antique-ish tea sets, boxes and boxes and SHOEBOXES of random single cards for all occasions, including some in Spanish and Russian. I wish I'd taken photos. Oh wait, you can see a small one right here, but it really only scratches the quaint surface).
The piece de resistance of my entire birthday, however, was this:
Posted by
3/23/2008 07:41:00 PM
1 words to the wise
Labels: Boho, Bridgetown, crazypants, Food Porn, other people's children, other people's countries., purty
19 March 2008
Happy Saint Joseph's Day.
Once again, I have been completely spoiled, like the bratty brat brat that I always knew I could be. I will post braggarty photos of my bounty, fun and fortune tomorrow.
All in all, it was an awesome birthday - mellow, and sweet and full of good friends, good phone calls, good humor, good food, good times... good life.
Thanks for all the cards, phone calls, emails, presents and love. Feels like a million bucks. (Better actually, cause it can't all be hosed away by non-tangibles like the roller coaster stock market and bad mortgages!).
Posted by
3/19/2008 11:15:00 PM
words to the wise
Labels: do gooders, familia, shout-outs
Cannot Wait For This (Warning: Nerd Alert).
Oh, oh BSG. Where have you been all my life? What's with the bovine gestation-length hiatus, hmm?
For other fans, here is a normal, relatively milquetoast (yet still thrilling!) Season Four preview, below.
For other fanatics like me, explosive Season Four "Exclusive Preview" (with SPOILERS so if you haven't seen the end of S3 yet, beware) can be seen on this web site.
I am retardedly excited for the season to start, even though I am bummed it will be the last (I did see a headline somewhere that SciFi may be doing some kind of prequel involving life on Caprica or New Caprica? Not sure. Remind me to look up). At any rate, I love this show with the same feverish passion I held for "The West Wing." And that, my friends, is a muthalode'o'love.
Posted by
3/19/2008 05:16:00 PM
words to the wise
Labels: bloggspotting, celebutardation, everyone loves a mystery, i live in the liza, What's that now?
18 March 2008
Must. Stop. Blogging. LateAtNight.
Apologies to all you lovely people who visit this little vanity project to see what's going on all up in Portland, only to find my not altogether coherent ramblings sprinkled liberally (and perhaps inappropriately) about. I just re-read the Whoring Monthly post, and it basically makes no sense. Especially not when compared with what was intended to be written there. Whatever. I would explain, but it's just not even worth it and plus, I am totally over it now. Hmph.
Posted by
3/18/2008 11:23:00 PM
words to the wise
Labels: Whole lotta nuthin
13 March 2008
This One's For You (NSFW).
It came down to a choice between this, The Journal Of Inappropriate Humor (featuring AR ad* campaigns, of course), Evil Overlording Weekly or the controversial Self-Hating Jew (a magazine for Jews questioning the policies of Israel's current government).
But Whoring Monthly, that's A + right? Especially since the students are to submit a document that demonstrates their own grade in one format or another. This student chose a Press Release, highlighting the simultaneous win of both the Nobel Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature, featuring the factoid that she (or he, you know, the anonymous student) received a BA from Cal, an A in Dangerous Words, and will be donating the proceeds of the unprecedented prize win to her (or his) International charity, Bitterroots.
Posted by
3/13/2008 10:04:00 AM
words to the wise
Labels: everyone loves a mystery, Really back to school?, Written
01 March 2008
Scurvy fighting melons.
Accompanying Joosh to the market just now - beer run, Brah! - I was overwhelmed with the urge for citrus. Not just any citrus, but red grapefruit. Which is weird because the only time I ever eat grapefruit is in the winter when we eat at this sweet homey cafe at the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts that serves little slices of lemon, zucchini and carrot bread with 1/2 of a pink or red grapefruit sprinkled with chopped candied ginger. Outrageously delicious, but really not often on my radar. Rather than panic that I must surely have scurvy, I decided to treat the craving as related to a healthy sublimation of my former sweet tooth (er.... current sweet tooth, usually beaten into submission with a variety of strong arm tactics). So indulge the non-sweet sweet need, I would.
(Now that I think about it, I seem to recall that my sudden urge was inspired by staring at a bottle of Ocean Spray Ruby Red Grapefruit juice that looked AMAZING. In which case I was probably craving a Greyhound, but vodka is basically another form of sugar or at least on the not-so-healthful list, so too bad, Inner Lush, go twiddle your thumbs with Mr. Demonic Sweet Tooth over there in the corner or I'll be forced to pummel you).
I love to peruse the amazing produce section of my favorite spendy market, New Seasons. So much to see, smell, fondle inappropriately. In my quest for grapefruit, I happened upon several strange looking fruits that seemed to insinuate themselves as grapefruit-equivalent. One was extremely ugly. Indeed, it is called "Ugly Fruit" and with a name like that, how could I not take the large and unlovely fruit - the red-headed stepchild, if you will - home with me? But the Texas Red grapefruit called out to me as well. And I was scared that the unsightly citrus would taste of it's name, so as a precaution, I selected a star from the Lone State pile, too. It smelled fabulous. And of course, as I tried to walk away, my salivating palette made me pick up a gigantic sunshiney orb called a Melogold. It was too beautiful not to take home (I hoped it would play nicely with poor Ugly, and not increase its already sure-to-be intense inferiority complex). Excellent: A grapefruitish taste-off for one*, coming right up.
So I just ate the Ugly Fruit, and I am astounded at how delicious and sweet and weird it was. Like an orange, a non-sour grapefruit, and maybe some Naked Tangerine Juice flavored juiciness to it. Fantastic. I sliced it in half, and did the whole sectioning between the membranes thing (wow, that sounds gross, i never realized). And you know, it totally hit the craving. So much so that I can't really imagine cracking open the others. I suppose in a taste test one should really try all samples at once for comparison, but I just chowed down on that single luscious and unattractive globe. I am a happy, sated, non-borderline scurvy diagnosis girl.
Of course the best part of the citrus adventure was standing at the check out, with two large bottles of beer, and three SUPER large citrus fruits on the conveyor belt. We step up to the checker, who is cute as a button and maybe 23 or 24, fresh-faced as all get out, and he exclaims "WOW!! Look at the size of those melons!"
Which is not something a girl hears every day, right? Especially in reference to, essentially, three grapefruits, but nevermind.
I wish you could have seen the look on Joosh's face. It took a second for him to realize the kid was speaking about the actual fruit in front of us, rather than being inappropriately cheeky.
I looked at the checker and at Joosh (simmer down, honey!) and said "Well, that's not something a gal hears every day." Checker Dude looked confused - for a beat and a half. Then, with a large globe in his hand, he turned about as red as the inside of the grapefruit.
Ahhh, kids these days.
*Joosh doesn't go gaga for citrus things like I do. He's a little bit sensitive to the acidity, I think. Not as bad Teabagger and his super weird "Geographic Tongue" (vile!) but somewhere earlier on the road to such a thing from Joosh's description. Since I have to kiss that mouth, I don't force feed the acids, you know?
Posted by
3/01/2008 09:57:00 PM
words to the wise
Labels: Bridgetown, Food Porn, other people's children
Ouch, dude.
Yeah, what he said.
(This seems to be viral, not actually sponsored by the Chosen One as indicated, fyi.)
Posted by
3/01/2008 09:09:00 PM
words to the wise
Labels: dare I dare to hope?, do gooders, everyone loves a mystery, What's that now?