While trying to find a photo of a previous Hanukkah bush (the first that Josh and I had in Berkeley, that had a super funny Dr. Seuss-like crooked bend in the middle), I came across these sweet snaps from last summer's camping trip at Lost Lake with the Watsons:
How unbelievably adorable is this kiddo, I ask you? He's like the poster child for the tremendous fun and good times involved in camping. Look at this face:

Such a sweetheart, and so good during our adventure! This was during some of the worst of the family business drama that I was dealing with over the summer, and this little man never failed to put a smile on my face through it all. I think I might have written down some of the gems he came up with during this trip, if I can find them I'll post them (after all, why should such a dollface be limited to public embarrassment from just his parents, right? Honorary Aunties with blogs should be allowed to kvell, too).
Speaking of public embarrassment, I also found some photos from New Year's Eve Y2K (what Millennium Bug?). I am still deciding if I will post them, a la Bex's "Old School Photo of the Day."
I am leaning toward yes. We'll see.

Such a sweetheart, and so good during our adventure! This was during some of the worst of the family business drama that I was dealing with over the summer, and this little man never failed to put a smile on my face through it all. I think I might have written down some of the gems he came up with during this trip, if I can find them I'll post them (after all, why should such a dollface be limited to public embarrassment from just his parents, right? Honorary Aunties with blogs should be allowed to kvell, too).
Speaking of public embarrassment, I also found some photos from New Year's Eve Y2K (what Millennium Bug?). I am still deciding if I will post them, a la Bex's "Old School Photo of the Day."
I am leaning toward yes. We'll see.
You're so sweet! When I clicked on your blog, I thought what the hell - is that me - wait that's Jakob - what the hell? Then I started reading!
Anyhow, Jakob feels the same about his Aunties!! Can't wait to see the 2 of you in action with Jakob - what will he do with Auntie Bex and Amber in the same room - hard to tell - I might say there could be a lot of growling and possibly boob grabbing as the kid is so into boobs!! Apparently he acts as a neanderthal!
Oh - I'm dying to see the Y2K pics - isn't that the party that was held at Winter's parents house, where Dawn fell into the fish tank? I can't remember! I know Mark hurt his wrist trying to punch a punching bag - just as is insurance was discontinued!
Awesome times!
WHY DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS BLOG?!? Honestly, why did you deny me this happiness? I was trying to find your email address to thank you for the "ass + seat" comment (which, btw, was INCREDIBLY helpful and has actually inspired/bullied me into writing twice since I read it -- like Carrie Fisher in "When Harry Met Sally...": "You're right, you're right, I know you're right..." I hug you for it).
Anywhatsit, now that I know this is here, I demand more! Write! I must know all there is about your Amberican Life.
I blush.
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